"Name","Description","Default" "AppBGColor","The applet background color","from browser" "AppBGImage","The applet background image","from browser" "AppTile","(boolean)if true, tile the background image","false" "DelayBetweenChars","The delay (in milliseconds) between character movements","20" "DelayBetweenRuns","The delay (in milliseconds) between strings","3000" "XOffset","The horizontal distance (in pixels) from the left side of the applet to the text","0" "YOffset","The vertical distance (in pixels) from the top of the applet to the baseline of the text","The height of the text" "TextColor","The text color","set by browser" "HorizCenter","(boolean)if true, the text is centered horizontally","false" "VertCenter","(boolean)if true, the text is centered vertically","false" "Font","The font of the text: TimesRoman, Helvetica, Dialog, DialogInput, or ZapfDingbats","Dialog" "Style","The style of the font: Plain, Bold, Italic, or BoldItalic","Plain" "PointSize","The size of the font in points","10" "Text","The string of characters to display","(none)" "Steps","The number of steps in the coalescing sequence","50"